Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blogging tips: stop the Captchas !

If you still have those annoying little captchas on your blog, one of the best blogging tips I feel like giving you is this one...stop the captchas !.
A CAPTCHA - as most of you surely know already - shows a random string usually in image format which the user has to type to submit a form. This is a simple problem for (seeing) humans, but a very hard problem for computers, so captchas are used to prevent SPAM, that's why we are often asked to prove we're human (LOL).
We happen to find captchas very often when we comment on the other blogs, and lately they've started to be even longer and harder to read, making it very difficult and slow to post comments. The problem is getting VERY annoying.
I wanna encourage all of you once again to STOP the Captchas from your blogs now, it's easy and it will increase your comments and surely be a kind thought for your readers !.
To do that, if you have a Blogger blog, just tur off the word verification under comments setting in your dashboard !. I did it a long time ago and I can tell you spam is not a problem at all, so go on and do it !. I am here for advice if you need to find out how to remove captchas !.
Feel free to put the image I created above on your blog to let everyone know you removed the captchas from your blog, I made a small one and will link to this post to encourage more and more bloggers to take those evil Captchas down ! Here's the code:

...and remember...share the word...stop the captchas !!!

Se avete ancora i fastidiosissimi captchas sul vostro blog, uno dei migliori suggerimenti per il blog che posso darvi è questo: fermate i Captchas !.
Un Captcha è - come la maggior parte di voi già sa perfettamente - una serie di parole e/o numeri messi a caso, in formato immagine, che devono essere ricopiati quando si compila un form, al fine di evitare lo spam, in quanto per i computer non è affatto semplice leggerli (proprio per questo spesso ci viene chiesto di dimostrare che siamo umani !).
Incontriamo i captchas molto spesso quando commentiamo altri blog e, ultimamente, sono diventati ancora più lunghi e difficili da leggere, rendendo veramente lenta e difficile il postare dei commenti. Il problema è diventato veramente fastidioso.
Vorrei incoraggiarvi ancora una volta a togliere i Captchas dai vostri blog adesso, è facile e oltre ad essere un gesto gentile per i vostri commentatori, sarà utile a incoraggiare i commentatori pigri che rinunciano pur di non scrivere i captchas !.
Per farlo, se avete un blog su Blogger, basta che nella bacheca decidete di togliere la spunta a "verifica parole nei commenti", io l'ho fatto da molto tempo e lo spam non è affatto un problema. Se non riuscite a farlo e avete problemi potete chiedere aiuto nei commenti !.
Se vi piace, potete inserire l'immagine che ho creato sopra per dire a tutti che il vostro blog è libero dai captchas, basta copiare e incollare il codice html che trovate sopra nella finestrella per farlo apparire nella vostra pagina !. E ricordate...diffondete il verbo...fermate i captchas !.

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  1. totally agree this! it's just so annoying.. especially when i saw "please prove you aren't a robot".. just arrgh! :D

  2. agreed! soo annoying!
    they should post this on the main blogging page for everyone to be aware of!


  3. Absolutely agree with that post!I hate these captchas and I am always sooo annoyed by them,if I leave a comment somewhere.

  4. That´s why I use disqus for comments ;)

  5. ahahah brava! sono d'accordo con te!

  6. I did not even know I had it turned on till now! Thank you so much for doing this! :)


  7. Agreed - my blod is captcha free :)


  8. I agree captcha is annoying. My blog doesn´t use it.

  9. gracias por la información!!!
    Bruna presenta su colección más dulce Sweet Candy ¿te lo vas a perder?

  10. Io sono completamente d'accordo con te, ma sai cosa? di recente blogger ha rimesso i captchas a tutti. Io non me n'ero assolutamente accorta, quindi li ho lasciati per sbaglio attivati. Li avevo tolti moolto tempo fa e credevo di essere a posto! Che nervi...

  11. How I hate the captchas >.<'

  12. SO glad you did this! i agree 100%! i never had those stupid captcha! plus it makes it even harder to comment when on your cell!

    xx Kelly

  13. Totaly agree. I hate it!!

    Mein Blog

  14. I completely agree! And they have been harder to read lately! I know spam is annoying too, but I believe most blogs should have a spam filter to take care of it! Thank you for doing this post, I will encourage others to stop this as well so we can have more interactive blogging community!

  15. i totally agree with you! thanks for sharing!

    xoxo, andie

  16. I turned mine off about a month ago due to a previous suggestion that you made and I'm glad I did. Those letters really are hard to read and sometimes it takes me as many as three times to get the letters right. UGH! Thanks for posting about this! Oh, and I don't get spam.

  17. it was one of the first things i did when i opened my blog. i do really hate them,
    I mean, people already have a busy life , and even visiting and commenting somebody's blog requires time, why do you want to make them lose even more time to try to understand captchas?

    The image you created is really nice!


  18. I am soooo glad you have spoken! I hate captchas and they definitely discourage ppl from commenting!

  19. Haha indeed. My God! It is so annoying. I hope I dont have that on my blog.


  20. Totally Agree, it so annoying!!!

  21. Couldn't agree more with you, love, I hate the stupid verification. If one wants to prevent spam, allowing only registered users or moderating will do. :) xoxo ♥

  22. Guarda Vale, sono le 23 e 37, io ho appena finito di ricommentare chi mi ha commentato e ci ho messo la bellezza di 4 ore tutto per via dei captcha codes, stavo pensando di scrivere addirittura nei post che non ricommento chi mette i codici di verifica perchè non se ne può più!!!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  23. thanks honey.. i'm following!! xx

  24. Ciao cara! Grazie per i follow! Grazie anche per avermi avvisata... ho provveduto a eliminarli, ma ti chiedo conferma visto che non ho modo di vederlo personalmente. Un abbraccio!

  25. Anche io sul mio ho rimosso questo fastidio codice! non se ne può più!
    Se ti fa piacere ti aspetto sul mio blog ^_^

  26. Your blog is so interesting <3
    I hate captcha too but i dont know how to stop it from my blog >.<
    Maybe we can follow each other? Following you now!

  27. Just removed the captchas on my blog :) I agree with this!

    Trendy Teal

  28. God you're right, I hate CAPTCHA. Plus with my horribly slow internet I often have to try three or for times before it even appears. Thanks for the comments, following you on google and bloglovin.
    Material Fixations

  29. Concordo assolutamente!!!Infatti io l'ho tolto già da un pò!!Kiss

  30. I TOTALLY agree with you so much about this Vale. I am so surprised that like 90% of bloggers have it because it would save us all so much time if they were gone. There are so many times I write a comment and then the capcha keeps messing up. Great tips, I just tweeted this post because I think it's SO important

    Thanks so much for stopping by and I just followed you on FB & Bloglovin too


  31. I agree, hate captches... Thats why I dont have it on my blogg :D

    Stop by soon!

    /L from sweden

  32. Great ideas sweets, can't stand those captchas - I actually tend to leave a site with them on coz they are impossible to read, and you have to do it over and over again. Will post this on my blog.
    Thanks again and have a lovely day,

  33. I agree- they are really hard to read sometimes! I'm always like, "Am I going blind or..."

    Have a great Thursday, doll!


  34. Thanks for stopping by!Davvero un bel blog!! Potremmo seguirci a vicenda se ti va..=)

    Xx Elisa

  35. Hola!! Es cierto que los captchas son molestos a veces!!

  36. Oh yeah it is really so annoying!

    Love your blog, interested in following each other?

    Have a look :)


    xx mimi

  37. Thanks for your comment, of course we should follow each other!

    I start rigth now;)

    Kisses from Berlin

  38. i do agree with you ! <3
    the oh-so-difficult-captcha make me feel so terrible when i failed wrote the combine
    anyway, thank you for your appreciate about my thesis. <3

    i do follow you through gfc and bloglovin
    hope you'll do the same <3


  39. No WONDER you have so many comments! Haha. Great advice!

  40. Ho appena pubblicato un nuovo post sul mio blog:
    Ti aspetto!! ;)

  41. Thanks for the tip! This will surely help cause all of us will surely get to experience this virtual problem once in a while. I will surely keep this in mind. :-)

    I hope you get to visit my blog again soon. :-)

    Much love from Mystic Nymph.

  42. I do not have captchas in my blog , thought I was the only one who thought that..!
    Thank you for your sweet comment, I am now following here and via Bloglovin', please follow me back?


  43. Totally Agree!
    I sometimes refrain from posting a comment because I get too annoyed to spend time making out a string of alphas and numbers.

  44. yayyyyy glad to see this post!!! absolutely 100% agree. i've stopped commenting on some blogs because it just takes too long with all those captchas!!!!


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