Friday, July 17, 2020

How to wear a maxi skirt in Summer, country style

How to wear a maxi skirt in Summer, country style on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

How to wear a maxi skirt in Summer, country style

A sunflower field and a new outfit with a maxi skirt, in a country mood! Well, how to wear a maxi skirt in Summer? I chose to do it "country style" of course, and I wore my pink maxi skirt with floral and cherry print with one of my favorite t-shirts of this season, from Golden Goose, featuring a country pin-up. The easiest and comfier way to wear a long skirt is, indeed, with a tee tucked in, just like I did! I added a pair of vintage cowgirl boots and a Bullhide cowgirl hat I like so much. First thing is be careful when you choose a maxi skirt: it has to fit you well, especially on the waistline, and be long without being the kind of skirt you trip in when you walk.

Come indossare una maxi gonna in estate, country style

Un campo di girasoli e un nuovo outfit con una maxi gonna, con mood country! Beh, come indossare una maxi gonna in Estate? Ho scelto di farlo "country style"ovviamente, e ho indossato la mia maxi gonna rosa con stampa a fiori e ciliegie con una delle mie t-shirt preferite di quest'anno, di Golden Goose, raffigurante una country pin-up. Il modo più facile e comodo di portare una gonna lunga è, infatti, con una t-shirt infilata dentro, proprio come ho fatto io!. Ho abbinato un paio di stivali da cowgirl vintage e un cappello da cowgirl della Bullhide al quale sono molto affezionata. Innanzitutto, occorre essere attenti quando si sceglie una maxi gonna: deve essere della taglia giusta, specialmente nel punto vita, ed essere lunga ma non tanto da farvi inciampare quando camminate.

How to wear a maxi skirt in Summer, country style on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Bullhide hat
Golden Goose t-shirt
Maggie Sweet skirt
Vintage boots

Golden Goose Pin Up t-shirt, country style on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Golden Goose Pin Up t-shirt on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Come abbinare gonna lunga e maglietta su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

 How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Dove trovare Golden Goose su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Best dressed cowgirl on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Dove trovare campi di girasoli su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to dress country chic style on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Bullhide hat, Maggie Sweet falda su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

How to wear a country style maxi skirt su Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Cowgirl t-shirt Chiara Ferragni on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger

Make sure your t-shirt is tucked in to show off your curves

My fashion tips for such a look are going to be quick and easy: make sure one or two colors of your top match the skirt print, and keep the waistline in evidence...either a tucked in top or a crop top if you like it, but do not wear a long t-shirt on a maxi skirt, show off your curves!. Have fun mixing prints and quotes. I have a real obsession for t-shirts, I keep buying funny ones and also country themed like this one, I can't help it!. And I also have an adoration for sunflowers; did you know they are native from America?. A pic in a sunflower field is almost an obligation! And, as you can see, we took quite a few of them...;-)

Assicuratevi la t-shirt sia infilata dentro la gonna per esaltare le vostre curve

I miei consigli di moda per un look del genere sono veloci e semplici: assicuratevi che almeno uno o due colori del top si abbinino con quelli della stampa della gonna e mantenete sempre il punto vita in evidenza...andranno bene sia una maglia "infilata" sotto la gonna o un crop top se vi piacciono e li usate, ma non indossate mai una maglia lunga e stretta sopra a una gonna lunga, andreste a eliminare le curve del corpo!. Divertitevi mixando scritte e stampe diverse. Io ho una vera ossessione per le t-shirt, continuo a comprarne di buffe ma anche a tema country come questa, non riesco a smettere!. Ho anche un'adorazione per i girasoli che, non so se sapete, sono originari proprio dell'America! A voi piacciono? Una foto con i girasoli in questo periodo è quasi d'obbligo! E noi, come vedete, ne abbiamo scattate davvero tante...;-)

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  1. Sunflowers stand for Joy so what better place to be! I love maxi skirts. This printed one is gorgeous and perfect styled with the graphic tee!

  2. Love look

  3. lovely skirt & fun t-shirt and overall, beautiful pictures
    xo eva


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