Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Romwe White Day Giveaway on Fashion and Cookies

White day occurs on 14th march and it is a japanese celebration day celebrated also in South Korea and in Taiwan. Following this tradition, on Valentine's day women give a chocolate present to their lover and on March 14, when it's the guys' turn to give something back. The name White Day indicates that the gift has to be something white and according to the tradition, the guys are supposed to give a gift worth three times the value of what they received a month earlier ;-).
I have been contacted from Romwe for a white day themed Giveaway, I already have an amazing Giveaway going on right now until March 13th but I couldn't say no to this one cause I like to create more chances for the followers of this blog, so here we are with another Giveaway, you can win one of the accessories you see in the image above and a 80$ voucher to buy whatever you want on Romwe.com !.
This Giveaway is open worldwide, up NOW until March 20th and I am using Rafflecopter also for this one. Pay attention: each Giveaway works with a separate Rafflecopter form so if you already entered the other Giveaway you can fill also this one, no problem, but to enter both you have to fill them both. Rules are also a bit different. To enter, just follow the compulsory rules that will be asked there step by step.

Compulsory rules you'll be asked for:

2) Register on Romwe and give out in the form the e-mail you used for registering (if you are already registered no need to register another time)
3) Like Fashion and Cookies on Facebook
4) Follow Fashion and Cookies on Bloglovin (you'll also be asked for e-mail address you used for Bloglovin)
5) Share this post on your Facebook wall and like it

More chances to win (this time not compulsory) if you...

- Follow me on Twitter (+1)
- Tweet about this Giveaway (+1)
- Follow Fashion and Cookies on Google Friend Connect (+1)
- Post on your blog (if you have one) about the Giveaway (+3)
- Put a link to Fashion and Cookies in your blogroll (+3)
- Follow my Tumblr (+2)

Deadline to this Giveaway is March 20th, last day to enter the Giveaway ;-).
The winner will be announced on the blog on March 21st, the following day, I will send Romwe the name and e-mail the winner used to register on Romwe.com and they'll contact the winner directly !. Good luck everyone !.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Il "white day" ricade il 14 marzo e si tratta di una festa giapponese celebrata anche in Sud Korea e a Taiwan. Secondo questa tradizione, il giorno di S. Valentino sono le donne a regalare ai propri amati qualcosa di cioccolato e un mese dopo, il 14 marzo, è il turno degli uomini di ricambiare il regalo ricevuto. Il nome "white day" indica che il colore del regalo che i maschi andranno a ricambiare sarà necessariamente bianco e, inoltre, la tradizione vuole che il valore di questo regalo sia almeno tre volte superiore a quello ricevuto ;-).
Sono stata contattata da Romwe per un Giveaway a tema white day, ho già un Giveaway attivo al momento fino al 13 marzo ma non potevo perdere quest'altra occasione per i follower del mio blog, quindi eccovi un altro carinissimo Giveaway al quale partecipare, potete vincere un accessorio tra quelli indicati nell'immagine che vedete all'inizio del post e 80 $ da spendere in ciò che preferite sul sito di Romwe !.Il Giveaway inizia ADESSO e dura fino al 20 marzo, è aperto a tutto il mondo e dovrete semplicemente riempire il modulo di Rafflecopter che vedete sopra seguendo le regole che vi saranno chieste passo dopo passo. Attenzione: ogni Giveaway ha il proprio form di Rafflecopter, per cui anche se state già partecipando all'altro Giveaway potete comunque partecipare anche a questo ! Le regole sono un po' diverse.

Vi sarà richiesto (obbligatoriamente) di:

- Registrarvi su Romwe indicando la mail che avete usato per la registrazione (in caso vi siate già registrati è sufficiente !)
- Cliccare su "Mi piace" Fashion and Cookies on Facebook e a questo post
- Condividere questo post sulla vostra bacheca Facebook
- Seguire Fashion and Cookies su Bloglovin (vi sarà chiesto anche l'indirizzo e-mail usato per Bloglovin)

Ci saranno maggiori possibilità di vincita ma questa volta niente di obbligatorio se...
- Mi seguite su Twitter (+1)
- Twittate del giveaway (+1)
- Seguire questo blog con Google Friend Connect (+1)
- Scrivete sul vostro blog (se ne avete uno) a proposito di questo Giveaway (+2)
- Linkate Fashion and Cookies nel vostro blogroll (+3)
- Seguite il mio Tumblr (+2)

Il Giveaway termina il 20 marzo e il vincitore sarà annunciato su questo blog il giorno dopo, il 21 marzo ! Invierò a Romwe i dati di chi ha vinto, nome e mail usata per registrarsi sul sito e provvederanno loro a prendere contatto con il vincitore. Buona fortuna a tutti !.



  1. Lovely giveaway this is... I hope I win... *fingers crossed*

  2. You always have the best giveaways! Good luck everyone :)
    Charlotte Couture Blog

  3. Crossing fingers, hoping to win:)

  4. great !!!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. wauw what a great giveaway! I did all the steps and here is my email, bubu_trance@hotmail.com
    hope I win this one, it is really great!

  9. Entered! Finger crossed! ;)
    e-mail: floryfrancy[at]inwind[dot]it

  10. Done Done Done!!
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.. ROmwe GIveaway.. I love you :D

    Btw, I've given you a Stylish Blogger Award dear.. Cos You are Very stylish!! Come take a look :)

    Btw, I've given you a Stylish Blogger Award dear.. Cos You are Very stylish!! Come take a look :)

    Also, it would mean so much to me if you could like this photo.. It is for a facebook contest! LINK

    If you are not able to like the picture then either you can send me a friend request.. I'll invite you to the group OR you can ask them to accept you, with this LINK

    and if it is not too much to ask for then pls like this photo too :D LINK

    Thanks a bunch :)


  11. great....enter me
    good luck

  12. Done!
    I follow you on bloglovin, facebook, google friend connect and i have a link about your giveaway on my FB.


  13. Grazie per il commento.. :D Il tuo blog è sempre un amore, bacio bacio

  14. Thanks for opportunity!!
    caterina mariposina

  15. Joined your giveaway. :) Love Romwe and your blog.


  16. che bello =) the_monka@hotmail.it

  17. fatto =)


    GFC Francesca Scirpoli

  18. partecipo e incrocio le dita
    valentina frucchi fruch su fb

  19. Ti seguo! Partecipo volentieri e grazie per il commento sul mio blog!

  20. Beautiful blog :)

    Check out mine!


  21. Entered!! :)

    P.S. --- New Post on my blog too Cherie! <3 Make sure you take out time and give it a look. I'd really appreciate that! Once again -- You have a lovely blog! :)


  22. ciaooooooooooo
    ecco la mia mail : valentionaparti@yahoo.it
    che è la mail usata per bloglovin, e per l'iscrizione su romwe
    un bacio

  23. Partecipo volentieri!! :)

    Greta Dossi
    FB: Greta Penelope Dossi
    Twitter: gretadossi
    GFC: Penelope

    Ho condiviso su FB, ti seguo con GFC su Twitter e su Bloglovin'!! Ho tweettato il tuo giveaway!!

    xoxo Greta

  24. mi piace questo accostamento di colori brava!

  25. Hi Darling!!!
    Love your blog and follow here now!
    Follow me too?
    Sweet kisses!!

    Vanessa Gramari

  26. Yay, I love Romwe!
    The email address I used for registration is naina.kamath@hotmail.com


  27. i love romwe


  28. Love your wonderful giveaways. I followed all the rules. I really hope to win :)
    GFC: Ayushma
    email id: ayushma.vaidya@gmail.com

  29. I have entered!
    Thanks very much!!

  30. I've entered, I hope I win!

    PS. Thank you for the comment!

    - Olivia xx

  31. 2) Register on Romwe and give out in the form the e-mail you used for registering (if you are already registered no need to register another time) - DONE

    3) Like Fashion and Cookies on Facebook - DONE

    4) Follow Fashion and Cookies on Bloglovin (you'll also be asked for e-mail address you used for Bloglovin) - DONE

    5) Share this post on your Facebook wall and like it - DONE


    EMAIL: christina.diminno@hotmail.com

  32. i made an account on romme as irinasas at yahoo dot com

  33. thank you for invite me :)
    but I never play in give away before.


  34. hipe to win

    email: ssmylrys@hotmail.com

  35. Name: Camille Gonzales
    E-mail Address (registered in ROMWE): camscamsgoons@yahoo.com
    E-mail address used in BLOGLOVIN': camz.gonz@yahoo.com
    FB post: http://www.facebook.com/Kflyyyy/posts/372798662741601

  36. done all compulsory steps!

    romwe and bloglovin' e-mail: nadyajoy@hotmail.com

  37. Yeahhhh
    This is amazing! I hope I will win :D

  38. 22nd march is my birthday. I hope I'll have this gift for my birthday party :)


  39. hey ya, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. :)
    What a great article and giveaway! I swear I learn something new everyday since I've started blogging.

    I followed you. Hope I win.

    Cheers, Jacquie



  40. PS. come and check out my blog. I will be having a spring giveaway on April 1st.
    Lots of makeup and skincare to be won.

    Cheers, Jacquie


  41. this is so amazing!!!^^
    i´m in ;)



  42. Lovely giveaway this is... I hope I win... *fingers crossed*

    email: ssmylrys@hotmail.com

  43. PartecipO!:) form compilato! bacii

  44. I am following you :) waiting for you to follow me back, take care :)


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